
Vacuum Potting for Isolator

Safety and Functional

During the production of isolators, bubbles in the potted workpiece cannot be tolerated. Since these high-voltage components must meet the highest #functional quality and #safety requirements, potting in a vacuum is increasingly used in this process. If there are still problems with moisture in the workpiece, which can negatively impact the potting result, a process is available for drying the workpieces prior to potting.

Additional challenges during isolator potting include workpiece handling (size and weight of workpieces) as well as the volume of potting material needed – usually > 500 ml/workpiece. In addition, quality control of the dispensing procedure is important due to the safety-related function of the isolators. A failure or malfunction can result in the risk of serious or fatal injury. Quality control by monitoring the relevant dispensing parameters (such as shot weight to control the dispensing volume) has proven its worth.

Usually a 2C silicone, which cures at room temperature, is used as the potting material. For these workpieces, it is advisable to always conduct pre-production tests. In this case all critical process parameters, such as the ideal vacuum in mbar, are determined. In principle, the value selected is as high as possible to achieve the shortest possible cycle times with optimum quality results. With these test results and high-performance potting systems even large workpieces can be potted completely bubble-free and economically. #Functional quality and #safety under all operating conditions are thus guaranteed with regard to the potting result.

For more information, please contact GLUDITEC:

Hotline: (+84) 969 469 089
