
SAC0307-1101 Lead-free Solder Bar

The SAC0307-1101 Lead-free solder bar is composed primarily of high-purity tin and is manufactured using cutting-edge professional lead-free solder equipment and top-tier technology, incorporating specific arts and crafts. The addition of microelements serves to prevent the rapid expansion of micro-cracks in the brittle interface structure and enhance the creep-fatigue lifespan of joints. This product represents an environmentally friendly lead-free alloy solder bar with outstanding soldering capabilities for use in lead-free process control.

Features and benefits

  • High purity, low metal impurity & content of oxide.
  • The molten tin surface is smooth, and flat, has low viscosity, and has excellent mobility.
  • Unique high oxidation resistance, a very small amount of tin slag.
  • Low surface tension, high wetting ability, excellent solder ability with shiny and chubby solder joint.
  • Materials comply with RoHS requirements.


Items Technical Parameters Standards
Part Number SAC0307-1101 /
Metal Alloy Sn99.0 Ag0.3 Cu0.7 /
Appearance Silvery White, Trapezoidal cross-section of strip casting alloys Visual Inspection
Melting Point (0C) 217-227 Alloy part


7.3 Alloy part
RoHS PASS RoHS Standard
Shelf Life 2 years From MGF
Packaging 20kg/box & 1kg/Roll /

Technical Documents

SAC0307-1101 Technical Data Sheet

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