
What is Dispensing Technique?

Dispensing technique is a complex and highly relevant part of the adhesive bonding process where fluid is dispensed in an accurate and controlled manner. When we talk about dispensing technique, we are referring to the application of the adequate amount of liquid adhesives or sealants onto a specific substrate – at the right time, in the right place and in the most efficient bead shape and size.

Where is it applicable?

Nowadays accurate and precise dispensing techniques are becoming increasingly important in a wide range of industries. They are used for dispensing food products, biomedical products, encapsulants in the semi-conductor industries, and adhesives and sealants in the automotive, general manufacturing and other industries. The dispensing techniques and their areas of use very according to the needs of these industries and their processes.

When and why is dispensing technique important?

Dispensing technique plays a major role when a pre-specified volume of adhesive material or sealant has to be applied on a certain substrate. It is important for a variety of reasons, such as to achieve higher bonding quality, lower cycle times, improved accuracy and lower material consumption. The main purpose is to try to minimize the risk of product failures and injuries to the end-user. Another purpose is to save the customers time and money.

Why dispensing techniqueReason for using dispensing technique
Structural and elastic bondingSealingInsulating
Risks that can possibly be avoided by using dispensing technique.Damage of safety critical
parts or final product, which
may lead to life-threatening
risks for end-user.
Damage of parts or final
product due to any kind
of leakage in parts or final
Damage of parts or final product due to unintentional subjection to heat, sound or electricity.
ExamplesInjured end-user through
accident due to insufficient
structural/ elastic bonding
in safety critical parts.
Car breakdown due to
engine oil leakage. Humidity
issues inside the car due to
water leakage through car
Overheating of nearby car
engine parts. Noise peaks
inside the car. Corrosion of
crucial metallic parts.

Why can dispensing technique be challenging

Nearly every process requires a different dispensing technique; it is true to say that there is no system that offers the required dispensing characteristics in an all-in-one solution.

Since it is not a theoretically well-established science, challenges may occur when dispensing. This is due to the rheological complexity of fluids and adhesives, which can be difficult to study and describe in order to fully understand the behaviors of the materials to be dispensed. Insights into the characteristics of materials when static and their characteristics during dispensing are often only acquired through experiments based on trial and error.

→ Read more about these reasons here.