
What are considerations when dispensing FIP Gasket?

Nowadays, the benefits of FIP Gasket (over preformed gasket) can be denied. One of the FIP Gasket’s beneficial features is ability to automate its dispensing process. However, dispensing FIP gaskets is not without challenges.

By our experience in dispensing this type of materials, there are some popular problems manufacturers have to face with when using FIP Gasket:

FIP Gasket is common 2K polyurethane foam which has moisture sensitive resin component. When mixing, it is essential to design a air-free system, which provide longer pot life and ensure the stable viscosity until dispensing onto workpieces.

Another challenge lies at moving control module which relate to desktop (for small part), gantry or arm robot (for large parts). On some limited dispensing areas, it is difficult to control the movement and high precision liquid quantity. It depends on both robot system and knowledge about the gasketing materials.

Last but not least, in gasket dispensing application, the gap between the tip and dispensing surface must be stable. In automated dispensing, variation can come from four sources: the parts, equipment, material and environment. Managing these variables is essential for profitability. GLUDITEC has solutions for this case.

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