
Display Assembly System


  • Edge display seal (LCD and OLED)
  • End display seal (LCD and OLED)
  • Display/cover glass bonding and gap fill
  • Touch panel optical gel coating
  • Module/IC driver gap fill
  • Flexible printed circuit board (FPC) reinforcing tab
  • Cover on Glass (COG) and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) over coating

GLUDITEC solutions provide greater precision in multiple display assembly applications.

Whether bonding cover glass to LCDs and OLEDs or edge sealing and end sealing of LCDs and OLEDs, our solutions deliver consistent, repeatable deposits at high speeds.

Mobile device and wearables manufacturers prefer our solutions for gap-fill applications, in addition to more specialized applications such as optical bonding and seal bonding dispensing anisotropic conductive fluids in very narrow spaces.

ACP bonding seal or electrode seal applications involve dispensing between the display module and driver I/C. As the gap between modules and driver I/Cs gets narrower and glass thickness gets thinner, non-contact dispensing is preferred to drive higher productivity.

Materials We Deal with

  • UV resins and adhesives
  • Optically clear adhesives (OCAs)
  • Conductive pastes
  • Other specialty fluids

How can we support you?

If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact us